Khar'kov 1959
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The combined installation "Kharkov" since 1959 was produced by the Kharkov factory "Kommunar". Teleradiola '' Kharkiv '', as well as '' Belarus-5 '' or '' Concert '' consists of a TV, a class 2 radio and a universal EPU. The receiver operates in the ranges of DV, NE, HF 51 ... 24.8 m and VHF. A 4GD-7 broadband loudspeaker mounted on the left side of the case works in the AU. Case size 530x490x565 mm, wooden, imitated by valuable breeds. Turning on the TV and the receiver on different bands as well as the EDA is made with a seven-key switch. Auxiliary control knobs, antenna jacks and headsets are located on the rear wall of the unit. The price of teleradiola is 360 rubles after the money reform of 1961.
Information from collection of Valery Khartchenko