Almaz 1958
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Since May 1958, the Leningrad Plant of Precision Electromechanical Instruments has been producing a radio tube network lamp "Almaz". The network dual-band receiver Class 4 "Diamond" is a three-lamp dual-band LW, CB superheterodyne powered by 127 or 220 volt AC. The sensitivity of the radio with an external antenna 400 µV. The adjacent channel selectivity is 18 dB. Rated output power 0.5 watts. The range of reproducible sound frequencies 120 ... 4000 Hz. Power consumption 30 watts. The dimensions of the radio receiver are 270x215x145 mm, weight 4.2 kg. Radio design, construction and electrical circuit with minor changes similar to the mass receiver "Wave" Izhevsk radio plant. Photo - reconstruction. There are no native photos of the receiver.
Information from collection of Valery Khartchenko