Luch-001 1978
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CD player "Luch-001" was created in 1978 in a single copy by the laser recording laboratory of VNIIRPA named after AS Popova. A few more years remained before the introduction of the international Compact Disc Digital Audio standard, so each manufacturer experimented with its own recording formats. PKD "Luch-001" produced disks with a diameter of 12 cm, the sampling frequency was 44.1 kHz. The similarities with the CDs ended there. Used 11-bit quantization, the discs themselves were slightly thicker than the usual CD and made of glass. The player consisted of two blocks: in the upper one there was optics, mechanics and control systems, in the lower one there was a digital decoder. The apparatus used an LG-75 helium-neon laser, which was large in size and operated on high voltage; as a result, it was decided to make the optical unit ("laser head") stationary - and the disk rotating on the spindle moved relative to the laser micro-lens. Photos and information from the site
Information from collection of Valery Khartchenko