Romantika RP-230-2 1999
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The stationary transistor radio "Romance RP-230-2" since 1999 has been producing the Shevchenko Kharkov SSZ. The latest news, any musical or educational programs in the bedroom, in the kitchen, in the garage, in the country, as well as everywhere where there is a 220-volt electrical network is guaranteed by a modern radio "Romance RP-230-2". It has a smooth tuning in two bands: VHF-1 - FM 65 ... 74 MHz and VHF-2 FM - 87 ... 108 MHz. Its sensitivity is 10 ... 30 µV, the output power is 0.8 W, the signal output for recording on a tape recorder, all this ensures a high sound quality of the receiver. The model has the ability to receive programs transmitted via the radio broadcasting line, without being connected to an electrical network of 220 V.
Information from collection of Valery Khartchenko