Nejva RP-305 1986
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Since 1986, the portable radio receiver "Neiva RP-305" has been produced by the Kamensk-Uralsky Instrument-Making Plant. ,86e6f450b8cc469628ba70bf2947b049'' Neiva RP-305 '' five-band DV, SV and KV (3 sub-bands) portable superheterodyne radio receiver of the 3rd complexity group, assembled on semiconductor devices. ,86e6f450b8cc469628ba70bf2947b049The model is a complete analogue of the Neiva-305 radio receiver, produced since 1982. ,86e6f450b8cc469628ba70bf2947b049In the LW and MW ranges, reception is carried out on the built-in magnetic antenna, and in the HF sub-bands, on the built-in telescopic one. ,86e6f450b8cc469628ba70bf2947b049Receiver sensitivity in the ranges: DV - 1 mV / m, SV - 0.8 mV / m, in the HF sub-ranges - 250 μV. ,86e6f450b8cc469628ba70bf2947b049The rated output power is 100 mW, the maximum is 200 mW. ,86e6f450b8cc469628ba70bf2947b049The power supply of the radio receiver is universal and is carried out from 4 A-316 elements, from the Krona battery, as a temporary one, or from an external power supply unit with a voltage of 4.5 ... 6 V. The Neiva RP-305 radio receiver was produced in red cases, ,86e6f450b8cc469628ba70bf2947b049black, light blue, white and gray colors.,86e6f450b8cc469628ba70bf2947b049,null,ru,null,null,null,null
Information from collection of Valery Khartchenko