Rassvet 1958
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The radio receiver and the radiol network lamp "Rassvet" since 1958 were produced at the Murom plant RIP. Since the beginning of 1958, a number of radio factories in our country have begun the production of receivers with very useful automation, long ago proposed by radio amateurs. The first such receivers and radio stations were called "Breaking Dawn". A clock is mounted on their front side of the case, with a mechanism that automatically turns on the device at a specified time. On the rectangular dial of the watch, which has a two-week factory, there are two more small round dials. On one of them (left) set the on time, on the other off. The time setting is done with pens near the dials. Above each handle there is an arrow indicating the direction of its rotation. Dials are calibrated for 24 hours, with an interval between risks of 12 minutes. In addition to automatic, it is possible to manually turn on the device with a button located next to the main dial and off using the key. The design and design of the receiver and the radioli, except for adding to the last EDA and switching - the same. The parameters of the "Dawn" models are similar to the receiver and radio channel "Baikal". The weight of the receiver is 12 kg, the radiograms are 18 kg. Dimensions - 510x330x300 mm and 520x340x370 mm. Receiver price - 96 rubles. 50 kopecks, later 99 rub. 45 kopecks Radioli 116 rubles. 50 kopecks In 1959, the apparatus scheme was upgraded to the second version.
Information from collection of Valery Khartchenko