Ritm-60 1973
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Since 1973, the variety amplifier "Rhythm-60" (an amplifier-acoustic device) was produced by the Gorky Experimental Plant NIKTIMPA. Amplifier "Rhythm-60" is designed for use as a variety for VIA. The amplifier was produced in 2 design options. It has 4 inputs with adjusting the level of the signal and timbres for each of them, one input for the phonogram, adjusting the overall signal level. Nominal output power of the amplifier 40 watts, maximum 90 watts. The range of amplified frequencies is 16 ... 18000 Hz. Included are two speaker systems of 30 watts each. One speaker includes six loudspeakers. The AU reproduces the frequency band 40 ... 16000 Hz.
Information from collection of Valery Khartchenko