Anri-01-02 (Sosna) 1990
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The dosimeter-radiometer household "Henri-01" (Pine) has been produced since 1988 by the BPO "Screen". The dosimeter is intended for individual use by the population in order to monitor the radiation situation on the ground, in residential and work premises, including for: measuring the power of the exposure (field equivalent) dose of gamma radiation; measurements of beta radiation flux density from contaminated surfaces; estimates of the volume activity of radionuclides in substances. The device allows the connection of remote detection units. Dosimeter-radiometer is a household device for the public. Measurement results obtained with the help of the instrument cannot be used for official conclusions by state authorities. To power the device uses the battery "Corundum". Since 1990, the modernized dosimeter "Henri-01-02" was produced.
Information from collection of Valery Khartchenko