8AS-1 1985
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Since 1985, the 8AS-1 speaker system has been producing the Berd Radio Plant. The speaker was part of the Vega-335 Stereo radio. Since 1991, the updated speaker has been part of the Vega RM-235S receiver and others. The closed-type speakers on the 4GDSh-3 broadband loudspeaker (4GD-53A) are made in a plastic case in a common design with a tape recorder and could be disconnected from it. The frequency range is 100 ... 12500 Hz. Irregularity of the frequency response - 14 dB. Speaker sensitivity - 91 dB. Rated power 0.5 watts, passport 4 watts, long-term 6 watts, maximum 12 watts. Electrical resistance is 8 ohms. Speaker dimensions - 225x170x139 mm. Weight AC 1.4 kg.
Information from collection of Valery Khartchenko