Duet PM-8401S 1989
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The tape player "Duet PM-8401" since 1989 has produced the Popov Radio Station in Riga. Cassette tape player "Duet PM-8401" is intended for individual listening of stereophonic soundtracks recorded on MK-60 cassettes on headphones. The kit includes: cassette player, stereo phones, container for batteries of type A-343 or A-373. Control: play keys, rewind in both directions, tape type switch; At the end or break of the tape, the power is automatically turned off. The frequency range of 40 ... 14000 Hz (Fe2O3); distortion factor 1%; powered by AA or A-343, A-373 batteries through a container; dimensions of the device are 140Ñ…95Ñ…35 mm. Weight 500 gr. The name of the Duet model implies listening to phonograms for two pairs of phones.
Information from collection of Valery Khartchenko