EKL-34 1934
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The radio receiver network lamp "EKL-4" and "EKL-34" from 1933 and 1934 respectively produced the Leningrad Kozitsky Plant. In 1930, the Central Radio Lab of the Trust of Low Current Plants developed a radio receiver 1-V-2, which in March 1933 was transferred to the production of the plant to them. Kozitsky and, thus, in the summer of 1933, the first thousand of these receivers appeared under the trademark "EKL-4" (Shielded, Kozitsky, Lamp, 4th version). On the initiative of the Leningrad Radio Committee at the regional Komsomol committee in December 1933, a public court was organized over the receiver. EKL-4 was one of the first AC-powered receivers in a single box with a dynamic loudspeaker. He worked with the same set of lamps as the radio "EShS-2", and had two ranges: from 225 to 720 m and from 680 to 2000 m. The radio receiver was brought to the defendant's bench by many mechanical and electrical faults, poor installation, small selectivity and sensitivity, etc. The court proposed that the plant eliminate all the shortcomings, the list of which ranked 18 points. As a result of public exposure, the radio EKL-4 was significantly improved and soon began to be produced under the brand name EKL-34 (Shielded, Kozitsky, Lampov, 34 years of release). The network desktop radios '' EKL-4 '' and '' EKL-34 '' are assembled according to the direct amplification scheme 1-V-2 with adjustable feedback. They are intended for the reception of broadcasting stations in the range of 200 ... 2000 meters (225 meters in the "EKL-4") in areas with an electrical AC network of 110, 127 or 220 volts. The receiver circuitry makes it possible to connect a sound pickup for playing a gramophone recording, and in a radio receiver EKL-34 and a converter for receiving on short waves. Electrical diagrams of models do not match. Some batch of EKL-34 receivers was produced in a case from the EKL-4 receiver, as well as vice versa. Both designs of cases were developed at the same time and therefore there is some discrepancy in the accessories of the cases in the documentation.The release of the radio EKL-34 was completed at the end of 1936. Receivers are assembled on 5 lamps CO-124, CO-118, UO-104 and VO-116 and in the model "ECL-4" 2 lamps CO-118 are used, and in the model "ECL-34" 2 lamps CO -124. The sensitivity and selectivity at reception depend on the position of the feedback controller. Standard indicators - 1.5 ... 2 mV / m and 10 dB, maximum 80 µV and 36 dB. The average output power of the amplifier is 0.8 watts. Power consumption from the mains 50 watts. The dimensions of the radio EKL-4 are 520x455x255 mm, and the EKL-34 are 520x460x260 mm. The mass of any receiver is 17 kg. The receiver case is wooden. To replace the lamp in the case there are two hatch. The power switch is located on the left side of the case. On the front side are the volume control, feedback adjustment knob, tuning knob. The scale of the receivers is vertical, graduated at UE, and backlit. The slider next to the setting node is a range switch. 2 left levers are used to adjust the pairing of grid and anode circuits. Loudspeaker with biasing of its own factory production. More information about the radio in the documentation.
Information from collection of Valery Khartchenko