R-1 1924
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The radio battery "R-1" was produced by electrostatic plants of low current since 1924. "R-1" was a single-tube regenerative receiver, assembled according to the simplest scheme with one tuning loop and the transformer method of giving feedback. The receiver was a radio lamp R-5, later Micro. "R-1" was intended for individual reception of radio stations on headphones. Structurally, the receiver is made in a wooden box. The input circuit control knob, subband switch and feedback amount adjustment knob, as well as the radio tube are located on the top cover of the box. The use of radio tubes made it possible to receive not only local, but also powerful remote stations. The receiver is created on the basis of the tuning contour of the Radiolina receiver's early set and, in appearance, besides the installed radio tube is similar to it.
Information from collection of Valery Khartchenko