Ob'-302 1973
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Since 1973, the subscriber loudspeaker "Ob-302" has been producing the Novosibirsk plant of low-voltage equipment. ,86e6f450b8cc469628ba70bf2947b049 AG is designed to play one program, transmitted over local radio broadcasting networks with a voltage of 30 (15) volts. ,86e6f450b8cc469628ba70bf2947b049 The range of reproducible frequencies is 160 ... 6300 Hz. ,86e6f450b8cc469628ba70bf2947b049 Power input 0.15 W. ,86e6f450b8cc469628ba70bf2947b049 Dimensions AG - 192x192x65 mm. ,86e6f450b8cc469628ba70bf2947b049 Weight 850 gr. ,86e6f450b8cc469628ba70bf2947b049 Retail price 5 rubles. ,86e6f450b8cc469628ba70bf2947b049 The loudspeaker was first produced in a carbolite case and a white plastic front, then only from plastic. ,86e6f450b8cc469628ba70bf2947b049 The back part could be of any color (it is known about blue, light blue, white) and the front part could be only white. ,86e6f450b8cc469628ba70bf2947b049 ,null,ru,null,null,null,null
Information from collection of Valery Khartchenko