Tula 1951
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The radio battery "Tula" since 1951 produced Tula factory "Octava". The receiver "Tula" is assembled on 2 finger lamps according to the direct amplification scheme 0-V-1 with constant feedback and is very economical. There is the possibility of receiving headphones with a detector in the absence of batteries and the inclusion of a radio point. Ranges: LW 150 ... 410 kHz (2000 ... 732 m). MW 540 ... 1500 kHz (555 ... 200 m). Sensitivity 40 mV / m. The consumption of the anode is 4.5 mA, the heat 60 mA. Output power 40 mW. The audio frequency range is 200 ... 3500 Hz. The average sound pressure is 2.3 bar. Details and components of the model are mounted on a flat panel of insulating material. The setup consists of coils with a movable core of alsifer. Movement is made by corded cord. To overlap the range divided into 4 sections, the core passes alternately through four coils. The switch is connected to the core and the switch is made automatically when the core passes over the coils. The receiver has one knob, which, in addition to setting and switching ranges, serves to adjust the volume and power on. When you lift the knob up, the power turns on and the power indicator is triggered. Move the knob up or down to adjust the volume. Adjustment to the wave in the first issues was carried out by moving the handle in the horizontal direction, and since 1952, rotating it around its own axis. The magnetic system of the loudspeaker is located inside the cone. To increase the efficiency loudspeaker and improved frequency response in the region of mid and low frequencies, it uses a larger diffuser than is customary for cheap receivers. Lamp filaments are connected in series and are designed to be powered by 2 elements of the ES type. When after several months of operation, the voltage of the elements drops to 2.2 in one half of the filament of the 2P1P lamp, it is short-circuited and the receiver continues to operate in economy mode. For this is the screw located on the back side of the bracket. When it is screwed into the upper hole, a part of the thread closes, which makes it possible to use the batteries better.For the anodes used battery BAS-G-60. The batteries are enclosed in a box with a socket for connecting the cord with the receiver.
Information from collection of Valery Khartchenko