Ural-114 1978
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Radiola "Ural-114" since 1978 was produced by the Sarapul plant named after Ordzhonikidze. Radiol Ural-114 became the last tube model in the series of radiol and Ural receivers manufactured by the plant since 1947 and the last tube model in the USSR. In its scheme and design, it is similar to the Ural-1,2,3,5,6, Radiol, Iolanta (Ural-7), and Ural-110,111,112 radios, which are based on Radiola `` Riga-Mono ''. The main difference between the Ural-114 radio and all previous models is the use of a push-pull output stage and three loudspeakers in the amplifier, two on the front panel (LF and HF) and one (MF) on the side, later only two (LF and HF ) on the front panel. EPU in the model was set of two types. Otherwise, apart from other design, the radiol is similar to the previous models. ,null,ru,null,null,null,null
Information from collection of Valery Khartchenko