UP-1 1952
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The electric player "UP-1" since 1952 produced the Vilnius plant "Elfa". In connection with the release of long-playing records, the factory "Elf" organized the production of players designed for regular and long-playing records. The first such device was the universal player "UP-1". The turntable has two rotational speeds of 33 and 78 rpm. The first of the speeds is used when playing long-playing records, and the second of long-playing and ordinary records. The player has a lightweight, adjustable weight piezoelectric pickup. It is necessary for playing long-playing records, but also when playing ordinary records wears them much less than another "heavy" pickup. The player is assembled in a plastic box with dimensions of 400x295x160 mm. Weight EP 7.5 kg.
Information from collection of Valery Khartchenko