Radiola №1 1935
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Radiola network lamp "Radiola number 1" since 1935 produced by the cooperative of the Leningrad plant RADIOMUZPROMSOYUZA. "Radiola number 1" is a combined device consisting of a receiver and an electric player with power from a network of switched current of 11, 127 or 220 volts. Radiol is mounted in a polished wooden box with dimensions of 500x380x2000 mm. Radiol number 1 is designed for both individual and club or spa use. The output power of a 3-watt radio line made it possible to connect up to 20 Record loudspeakers to it, and up to 30 with its own loudspeaker turned off. The six-lamp receiver is assembled according to the 2-V-2 scheme. Radiol electric player works at a speed of 78 rpm from a synchronous motor. Magnetic pickup. When radio reception, the radio signal reproduces the band of sound frequencies from 80 to 4000 Hz, and when playing records from 80 to 6000 Hz. Read more about Radiol number 1 in the brochure.
Information from collection of Valery Khartchenko