Mir 1953
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The subscriber loudspeaker "Mir" has been producing the Leningrad Radio Products Plant since 1953. ,8caa42f5a9df53968033bf99609e44f6 Mir is a standard subscriber loudspeaker designed to operate a 30 volt broadcast network. ,8caa42f5a9df53968033bf99609e44f6 Input impedance 4800 Ohm. ,8caa42f5a9df53968033bf99609e44f6 Power consumption 47 mW. ,8caa42f5a9df53968033bf99609e44f6 The range of reproduced sound frequencies is 1-50 ... 5000 Hz. ,8caa42f5a9df53968033bf99609e44f6 Uneven frequency response (frequency response) - 17 dB. ,8caa42f5a9df53968033bf99609e44f6 The average sound pressure is 2.5 bar. ,8caa42f5a9df53968033bf99609e44f6 ,null,ru,null,null,null,null
Information from collection of Valery Khartchenko