Temp-Stereo 1987
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Color unified TV "Temp-Stereo" has been prepared for release since 1987 by the Moscow Television Factory. Designed to receive color and b / w television programs in the MV and UHF bands using PAL / SEKAM systems and watch programs from a video recorder with stereo sound. Semiconductor-integrated television of modular design based on mono-chassis, with 6 modules: radio color, frame scanning, horizontal scanning, power, automatic shutdown. Kinescope type 61LK5TS with self-knowledge and the angle of deflection of the rays of 90 degrees. The touch device allows you to select one of 8 pre-configured programs. There is a light indication of the selected program. There is a transformerless power supply unit that allows you to operate the TV without additional voltage stabilization. There is a remote control system on infrared rays. There is a device with a video recorder. Screen diagonal - 61 cm. Image size - 362x482 mm. Sensitivity in the ranges of MV and UHF - 40 and 70 µV. The output power of the sound channel 2x2.5 watts. Power consumption - 85 watts. Dimensions of the model 503x746x545 mm. Weight 37.5 kg. In the production of the TV did not go.
Information from collection of Valery Khartchenko