Rassvet-201 1981
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Portable radio "Rassvet-201" in 1981 developed the Leningrad specialized design bureau. The receiver is designed to receive in the bands DV, SV, KB (2 sub-bands) and VHF. The feature of the receiver is the use of blocks of hybrid thick-film chips. This allowed us to create a lightweight and compact apparatus. The radio receiver has an increased output power, has separate paths for AM and FM with electronic tuning in all ranges of LED indicators for fine tuning. The radio receiver has three fixed settings in the VHF band and one in the CB, BSN and AFC in the VHF band. Power supply or 6 elements 343. Sensitivity in the range of DV 2, CB 1, KB 0.25, VHF 0.025 mV / m. Selectivity in AM bands - 33 dB. The range of sound frequencies tract AM 125 ... 4000, FM 125 ... 10000 Hz. Rated output power 1, maximum 2 watts. Dimensions of the model 280x180x57 mm. Weight with batteries 2.5 kg. In 1982, the radio receiver and documentation were transferred to the Ufa Switching Equipment Plant, where in 1984 an improved receiver was released with the name Ufa-201. Photo by Alexei Vlasov, Ufa.
Information from collection of Valery Khartchenko