Radiotekhnika MR-5210S 1987
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Magnitoradiola "Radio Engineering MP-5210-stereo" since 1987 was produced by the Popov Radio Plant of Riga. The magnetoradiol consists of separate blocks: a tuner, a two-cassette tape recorder, a power amplifier, a pre-amplifier with a 5-band equalizer, an EPU, a timer, and remote speakers. The tuner unit is available; indicator settings, stereo indicator, fine tuning in the HF range, switchable BSN and AFC in the VHF range. Tape recorder unit; noise reduction system, work with two types of magnetic tape, auto searching programs for pause, synchronous start of dubbing, recording and playback level indicator, tape consumption counter. In the timer block is; time management on and off in the modes of radio reception, magnetic recording and playback, alarm mode with audible alarm, indication of the current time. Power amplifier unit; overload indicators. EP type "EP-102" ARIA with direct drive, head ГЗМ-155 and disk speed control. Preamplifier unit with 5-band tone control. The blocks are mounted on a special rack with light. Wave bands: LW, MW, HF (survey), VHF. Rated output power: 2x10 watts. Sensitivity in the ranges: DV, SV, KV 150 mV, in the range of VHF 5 mV. The frequency range in the range of VHF 63 ... 12500 Hz, DV, SV and KV 63 ... 4000 Hz, when playing a record 40 ... 18000 Hz, magnetic recording 40 ... 14000 Hz. Power consumption 50 watts. Type AC '' S-25 ''. The dimensions of any block are 460x420x350 mm, the dimensions of one speaker are 215x370x200 mm. Weight MP 30, AC 5 kg.
Information from collection of Valery Khartchenko