Vil'ma-204-stereo 1984
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Cassette tape-recorder prefix "Wilma-204-stereo" since 1984 release Lithuanian PSZ Vilma. MP is intended for recording audio information on FeCrO2, СrО2, and FeCr tapes in MK-60 cassettes and the subsequent reproduction of phonograms through an external UCU with AC. The MP has a separate two-channel visual and auditory control of the recorded signal with a moving or stationary tape, a visual control of the reproduced signal, auto power off some time after the end of the tape in the cassette, auto-stop when the receiving node stops. The MP has a light indication of the inclusion in the electrical network, combined with the illumination of the cassette and the scales of the indicators, the operating modes and the activation of the noise reduction system, an indication of peak values "‹"‹of the recording levels. The management of CVL is quasi-sensory. The speed of drawing the tape 4.76 cm / s. Knock factor ± 0,18%. Frequency range on LV with tape FeCrO2 40 ... 14000 Hz. The harmonic coefficient on the LV is 3%. The relative level of interference with the system NR -54 dB. MP dimensions - 480x170x320 mm. Weight 12 kg.
Information from collection of Valery Khartchenko