Druzhok 1988
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Radio-toy "Friend" since the beginning of 1988 was produced Kamensk-Ural instrument-making plant. It is based on the Neiva models, assembled on 9 transistors using a superheterodyne circuit, and operates in the range of DV 148..285 kHz or CB 670..1607 kHz waves. Sensitivity 3 mV / m. Selectivity ~ 20 dB. Maximum output power 150 mW. Frequency range 280 ... 3500 Hz. The receiver is powered by the Krone battery, consuming a current of 10 mA, in quiescent mode and up to a maximum of 40 mA. The price of the receiver is 15 rubles. The first releases of receivers were distinguished by a wider range of received frequencies, the DV range - 150 ... 400 kHz, CB - 525 ... 1610 kHz. Such receivers were released about 10 thousand copies. With the CB range, about a thousand radio receivers were released.
Information from collection of Valery Khartchenko