Al'faton-avto-2 1990
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The radio car "Alfaton-auto-2" since 1990, produced the Kirov instrument-making plant. The receiver can receive programs of broadcasting stations in the ranges: HF - 9.5 ... 9.8 MHz and VHF-FM 65.8..74.0 MHz. The kit includes a receiver, a portable speaker and cassette installed in the car. The cassette is designed for quick connection of the receiver to the car antenna, on-board mains and remote speaker system. The receiver can work in 2 modes: portable and automotive. In the portable mode, reception is performed on the built-in telescopic antenna, and for listening, the dynamic head is built into the body. The receiver is powered in this mode from 4 A-316 elements. For operation in automotive mode, the receiver is inserted into the cassette. In this mode, the reception is performed on a car antenna and to amplify the signal using a powerful UZCH mounted in the cassette itself. To listen to the radio station used portable speakers. In the VHF range there is a AFC. Sensitivity in the range of VHF 10, KB 60 µV. Rated power in the portable mode 0.05, automotive 1 watt. Dimensions of RP 100x175x41 mm. Weight 370 gr.
Information from collection of Valery Khartchenko