Rekord-53M 1954
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Since 1954, the network lamp tube Record-53M has been produced at the Berd and Irkutsk radio plants. The network tube, tabletop radio of the third class "Record-53M" according to the scheme and design differs little from the receiver Record-53M, considering the changes caused by the installation of the EPU. Radiola Berdsk plant for the years of release several times modernized, while the Irkutsk radiola had no changes. Ranges: DV - 150 ... 415 KHz, CB - 520 ... 1600 KHz, HF - 3.95 ... 12.1 MHz. IF - 465 kHz. Sensitivity: DV, ST - 300 µV, KV - 500 µV. The adjacent channel selectivity is 20 dB. Output power 0.5 watts. The band of reproduced sound frequencies is 150 ... 3500 Hz. Power consumption 40 W during radio reception and 50 W when playing records. Dimensions of the model 446x316x288 mm. Its weight is 17.5 kg.
Information from collection of Valery Khartchenko