Olimp-2 1980
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Radio constructor "Olymp-2" (preamplifier with timbreblock) since 1980 produced Vinnitsa TsKBIT. The preamplifier with the 'Olympus-2' 'timbre, which can be assembled from the set produced by the plant at the Central Design Bureau of Information Technology in Vinnitsa, in Ukraine is designed to work with the' Olymp-1 'power amplifier or any other amplifier, sensitivity not less than 250 mV. The sensitivity of the amplifier from the microphone input is 1 ... 2 mV, from the input for the receiver 20 ... 40 mV and from the input for connecting a tape recorder 200 ... 250 mV. The operating frequency range is 20 ... 30000 kHz. The voltage of the low-frequency signal at the output is about 250 mV. The depth of tone adjustment at frequencies of 100 Hz and 10 kHz is not less than ± 15 dB. The power supply of the preamplifier is carried out from the "Olimp-3" unit or any other unstabilized bipolar source of 18 ... 20 V. The total consumed current of the preamplifier is about 50 mA.
Information from collection of Valery Khartchenko