Akkord-201-stereo 1973
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The transistor "Accord-201-stereo" network transistor microphone since the beginning of 1973 has been produced by the VET "Radiotekhnika" and Riga EMP. Since 1973, the Riga Radio Factory. A.S. Popova and the Riga Electromechanical Plant produced the "Accord-201-stereo" electrophone. Since 1976, the Accord-201-stereo flashlight has been produced by the Chelyabinsk Radio Factory, and since the beginning of 1980, the Makhachkala Radio Goods Factory has also produced the same flashlight. The microphone is designed for listening to mono or stereo records. The nominal output power of the amplifier is 2x2 W, the maximum 2x5 W. The frequency range of 100 ... 10000 Hz. Read more about electrophones, general information and factories in the documentation below. The electrophones of each of the radio plants differed from each other by slight changes in the external design, as well as by various EPU.
Information from collection of Valery Khartchenko