Riga-10 1952
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Since 1952, the network tube radio "Riga-10" has been producing the AS Popov Riga Radio Plant. ,86e6f450b8cc469628ba70bf2947b049 The radio receiver "Riga-10" is a ten-lamp, five-band superheterodyne providing high-quality reception of broadcasting stations in the DV, SV, HF bands (3 half-extended sub-bands). ,86e6f450b8cc469628ba70bf2947b049 The receiver can be used as an amplifier with loudspeakers to play back a record from an external electric player. ,86e6f450b8cc469628ba70bf2947b049 The number `` 10 '' in the name means the number of radio tubes. ,86e6f450b8cc469628ba70bf2947b049 For the implementation of high-quality sound in the speaker, a powerful full-range loudspeaker and separate tone control for bass and treble are used. ,86e6f450b8cc469628ba70bf2947b049 There is a switchable IF bandwidth combined with the HF tone control knob. ,86e6f450b8cc469628ba70bf2947b049 The scale is divided into 5 sub-bands and is hidden behind the front panel. ,86e6f450b8cc469628ba70bf2947b049 A part of the scale corresponding to the working range is visible in the window. ,86e6f450b8cc469628ba70bf2947b049 The scale is illuminated by 2 incandescent bulbs and graduated in meters. ,86e6f450b8cc469628ba70bf2947b049 The radio is furnished in a wooden desk case. ,86e6f450b8cc469628ba70bf2947b049 It is finished like precious woods, polished and varnished. ,86e6f450b8cc469628ba70bf2947b049 Technical characteristics: The range of the received frequencies and waves: DV - 141.5 ... 438 kHz (2000 ... 723 m); ,86e6f450b8cc469628ba70bf2947b049 SV - 510 ... 1622 kHz (576.9 ... 187.5 m); ,86e6f450b8cc469628ba70bf2947b049 KV-1 3.95 ... 5.75 MHz (76.0 ... 52.2 m); ,86e6f450b8cc469628ba70bf2947b049 KV-II 6.0 ... 7.4 MHz (50..40.5 m); ,86e6f450b8cc469628ba70bf2947b049 HF-III: 9.45 ... 12.1 MHz (31.7 ... 24.8 m). ,86e6f450b8cc469628ba70bf2947b049 Intermediate frequency "u003d 464 kHz. ,86e6f450b8cc469628ba70bf2947b049 Sensitivity in all ranges 50 µV. ,86e6f450b8cc469628ba70bf2947b049 Adjacent channel selectivity 46 dB. ,86e6f450b8cc469628ba70bf2947b049 Attenuation of the signal through the mirror channel; ,86e6f450b8cc469628ba70bf2947b049 on DV - 60 dB, on MW - 50 dB, on HF - 26 dB. ,86e6f450b8cc469628ba70bf2947b049 The AGC efficiency is characterized by a 4.5 dB change in the output signal, when the signal in the antenna changes by 60 dB. ,86e6f450b8cc469628ba70bf2947b049 The bandwidth of the receiver ensures reproduction of audio frequencies - 60 ... 6500 Hz. ,86e6f450b8cc469628ba70bf2947b049 Rated output power 4 W, maximum 8 W. ,86e6f450b8cc469628ba70bf2947b049 Average sound pressure 25 bar. ,86e6f450b8cc469628ba70bf2947b049 The receiver is powered by an alternating current electrical network with a voltage of 127 or 220 V. The power consumed from the network does not exceed 85 W. ,86e6f450b8cc469628ba70bf2947b049 The dimensions of the receiver are 605x310x340 mm. ,86e6f450b8cc469628ba70bf2947b049 Its weight is 24 kg. ,86e6f450b8cc469628ba70bf2947b049 ,null,ru,null,null,null,null
Information from collection of Valery Khartchenko