Raduga-5 1967
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The television receiver of the color image "Rainbow-4" and "Rainbow-5" from October 1967 produced the Leningrad Kozitsky Plant. Color TVs "Rainbow-4" (CT-40) and "Rainbow-5" (CT-59) are designed to receive color and b / w images in any of 12 channels. They used domestic color mask kinescopes with a rectangular screen. The first one has a kinescope 40LK2TS with a deflection angle of 70 °, and the second has a 59LKZTS with an angle of 90 °. In the development of models used semiconductor devices. A total of 14 lamps, 46 transistors and 52 half-diode diodes are used in televisions. Televisions have a sensitivity of 100 µV. Rated output power 1 watt. Power consumption 250 watts. According to the scheme, design and design, the Rainbow-4 and Rainbow-5 TV sets were at the same time as modern world DH models. On October 24, 1967, the Rainbow-4 and Rainbow-5 TV sets went on sale, and on November 7, the first non-studio broadcast from Red Square was in color. Transmission control was carried out by the TV "Raduga-4" used as a VCU. It was developed on two design models. 5th photo - 2nd version of the design of the TV "Rainbow-4". 6th - TV "Rainbow-5". Next, the TV device - "Rainbow-4".
Information from collection of Valery Khartchenko