CRL 1934
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Since May 1934, the Leningrad Central Radio Lab has produced a television receiver of a black-and-white image of the "Central Radio-Logistic Center" The TV is designed to receive mechanical television with the decomposition of the image into 1200 elements on an electron-beam tube (kinescope), with vertical or horizontal scanning, and also with the possibility of increasing the elements to 20 thousand. Televisions with the ability to reproduce images with up to 35 thousand items released since August 1934. The first TV was designed to experiment with the already existing ethereal mechanical television (1200 elements) and differed from the mechanical ones only by its increased image brightness and high complexity, the second type (even more difficult) was designed to experiment with ether and wire disc transmitters of mechanical television with the number of image elements from 10.800 to 21.600. High-resolution transmitters did not exist in those years.
Information from collection of Valery Khartchenko