Lel' 1985
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A radio with a solar battery "Lel" from I quarter of 1985 was produced by the Novgorod plant named after the 50th anniversary of the October Revolution. "Lel" is the first domestic radio receiver, in which along with a battery of 2 elements 316, a solar battery is used. It was developed in the IRPA them. Popov, together with the Novgorod software '' Start '' on the basis of the serial radio '' Svirel ''. Like the prototype, the Lel is intended for receiving in the CB range to an integrated magnetic antenna. The solar cell was developed in the NGO Kvant of monocrystalline silicon with a working area of "‹"‹70 cm. The dimensions of the solar panel are 115x65 mm, and the output power at illumination 500 W / m is 300 mW. Under light conditions of 250 W / m (light cloud), it ensures the operation of the radio receiver without the energy consumption of the elements. SB is placed on the hinged cover from the back wall and protected by glass. Hinges SB allow you to rotate it around its axis by 180 degrees. The sensitivity of the receiver is 2 mV / m, the selectivity is 12 dB, on the mirror channel 26 dB. Rated output power 40 mW, maximum 100. Operating frequency range 450 ... 2500 Hz. The minimum supply is 2 V, the nominal 3 V, the maximum 6 V. The quiescent current is 15 mA. Dimensions of the receiver 145x72x25 mm. Weight 240 g. Price 54 rubles.
Information from collection of Valery Khartchenko