Malysh 1959
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Stationary transistor radio "Kid" was produced from the beginning of 1959. The radio receiver is assembled according to the direct gain 2-V-2 scheme on four transistors and operates in the CB range. Cascades of high and low frequencies are made on germanium transistors of type P-14. Reception is carried out on the external antenna and grounding. To increase sensitivity, constant feedback was introduced in the first UHF stage. The sensitivity of the model is about 30 mV / m. Selectivity 6 ... 8 dB. All this allows you to listen to local and powerful distant radio broadcasting stations. Rated output power 30 mW. The operating frequency range is 300 ... 3000 Hz. Powered by a KBSL-0.5 battery with a voltage of 4.5 V. The radio receiver was produced until the mid-60s with various loudspeakers and in various colors of the case.
Information from collection of Valery Khartchenko