Elektronika eksi-Video 01 1978
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The video game console "Exi-Video 01" was produced from the I-quarter of 1978 by the Pavlovo-Posad Plant "Exciton". ,8caa42f5a9df53968033bf99609e44f6 The prefix reproduces on the screen of any television receiver various game situations between two partners, and between a player and an automatic partner. ,8caa42f5a9df53968033bf99609e44f6 Realized games: football, tennis, squash, training, football with a handicap. ,8caa42f5a9df53968033bf99609e44f6 Adjustable game parameters: racket size, ball size, game pace. ,8caa42f5a9df53968033bf99609e44f6 The account is registered automatically, points up to 15. Power supply from an alternating current network 220 V. High-frequency TV output on the 4th or 5th TV channel. ,8caa42f5a9df53968033bf99609e44f6 Dimensions of the console - 190x180x50 mm. ,8caa42f5a9df53968033bf99609e44f6 Remote controls 180x50x45 mm. ,8caa42f5a9df53968033bf99609e44f6 Power supply 70x70x80 mm. ,8caa42f5a9df53968033bf99609e44f6 Kit weight 2 kg. ,8caa42f5a9df53968033bf99609e44f6 The price of the console is 90 rubles. ,8caa42f5a9df53968033bf99609e44f6 ,null,ru,null,null,null,null
Information from collection of Valery Khartchenko