Baltika-101-stereo 1975
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Stationary cassette tape recorder "Baltika-101-stereo" was created in the NIIRPA them. AS Popova and prepared for production in early 1975. For some reason, the radio tape recorder did not go into the series. The radio tape recorder consists of a class 1 all-wave radio receiver and a class 3 stereo tape recorder. The radio has sliders of volume and tone, a fixed tuning for several radio stations in the VHF band, an indicator for receiving stereo broadcasts in the FM band, a fine tuning indicator for the station, a tape meter, and also for recording phonograms, dial gauges. Powered radio on two speakers 6MAS-4. The model is described in the magazine Radio No. 9 for 1975.
Information from collection of Valery Khartchenko