EP-3 1950
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The electrogrammophone network lamp EP-3 in 1950 produced the Moscow Radio Equipment Plant No. 3. The electrogrammophone EP-3 (electrophone) at the Moscow Polytechnic Museum is called the electric player and is designed to play gramophone records at 78 rpm. There is no other information on this model. Unknown was this serial model or made in one copy. It is known that this device was donated by a team of the plant in honor of some anniversary of Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin and found among personal belongings after his death. In the fall of 2002, the electrogrammophone '' EP-3 '' is an exhibit of the Moscow Polytechnic Museum. Judging by the plate in the PM, the unit could receive radio broadcasts. Maybe just a wired broadcast.
Information from collection of Valery Khartchenko