Kristall 1957
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The stationary transistor radio "Crystal" in 1957 was developed by the Leningrad NIIRPA them. A.S.Popova. Compact radio "Crystal" is assembled on eight crystal triodes according to the superheterodyne pattern. The radio has a push-button control of the power on and off modes, as well as range switching. Ranges: long wavelengths 400 ... 150 KHz and medium waves 500 ... 1700 KHz. The sensitivity when receiving a magnetic antenna in the range of DV - 3 mV / m, CB - 2 mV / m. When the receiver is operating on an external antenna, the sensitivity on both ranges is at least 50 µV. Selectivity in adjacent channels at 10 kHz offset, at least 16 dB. Installation of radio components and assemblies is made entirely on the printed circuit. The receiver is powered by a special eight-volt battery or rechargeable batteries. The dimensions of the radio receiver are 320x260x190 mm. The radio with battery 2.4 kg weighs. Rated output power 50 mW, maximum 100 mW. When the receiver is working for two hours a day, with an average volume of one battery, it is enough for the receiver to work for 6 ... 8 months. The receiver was experienced, made in several copies and did not go into the series due to significant noise at low volume due to the imperfection of the semiconductor devices of those years.
Information from collection of Valery Khartchenko