Pchelka 1968
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The tape recorder - the toy "Bee" was produced from the beginning of 1968 by the Simferopol factory "Fiolent". It is designed to record and play sound phonograms from a microphone or any other sound source. The speed of the magnetic tape is variable. The tape drive mechanism of the model has a simple drive, therefore, it is recommended to record only speech phonograms, since when listening to them the sound deviation is minimal. When listening to music at reduced speed, there is a deviation of sound. Powered by one A-373 battery (engine) and Krona (amplifier). Rated output power 100 mW, maximum about 200 mW. The operating frequency range is 450 ... 3000 Hz. The tape recorder has the ability to rewind the tape along its course. The tape reels are special and hold about 75 meters of type 10 magnetic tape.
Information from collection of Valery Khartchenko