Vega-101-stereo 1972
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The Vega-101-stereo microphone has been produced by the Berdsky Radio Plant since 1972. `` Vega-101-stereo '' is the first domestic first-class stereo stereo microphone. The microphone is designed for high-quality reproduction of a recording from mono and stereo records. The electrical circuit is based on the Accord-Stereo electronic circuit. EPU disk rotation speed: 33, 45 and 78 rpm. The frequency band reproduced by 10MAC-1 acoustic systems included in the set is 80 ... 12000 Hz, the electric range of amplified frequencies is 55 .... 18000 Hz. Rated output power 2x10 W, maximum 2x10 watts. THD no more than 10%. Food from an electric network of alternating current 127 or 220 Century. Power consumption is 60 W. The dimensions of the microphone are 460x310x183 mm, one speaker 430x270x230 mm. The mass of the microphone in the packaging box, together with the speaker is 32 kg. Unpacked weight 25 kg. ,null,ru,null,null,null,null
Information from collection of Valery Khartchenko