25AS-328 (Elektronika) 1981
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Acoustic system "Electronics-25AS-328" since 1981 produced the Leningrad plant "Ferropribor". A two-way bookshelf speakers with a passive emitter is designed for high-quality sound reproduction in conjunction with first-class and top-class consumer electronics. Specifications speakers: LF speakers - 35GDN-1-8, HF - 6GDV-6-16. The range of reproduced sound frequencies is 40 ... 20000 Hz. Sensitivity 84 dB. Rated power input 25, long-term 35, short-term 50 watts. Rated electrical resistance of 8 ohms. Overall dimensions of the speaker - 430x240x210 mm. Weight 15 kg. Since 1983, in accordance with the new GOST-AS, it has become known as "Electronics-25AS-128". It is similar to that described above and was produced in different designs.
Information from collection of Valery Khartchenko