TESD-2 1934
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Since the beginning of 1934, the Tube-2 TESD-2 mains radio receiver has been producing Tula Plant No. 7 N.C.C. Radio "TESD-2" is designed to receive broadcasting stations operating in the wavelength range from 200 to 2000 meters. The receiver is powered by 110, 120, or 220 volts AC power. The receiver is assembled according to the direct amplification scheme 1-V-2: one high-frequency gain level on the CO-124 lamp; a detector on the CO-118 lamp and two low-frequency amplification steps on the CO-118 and UO-104 lamps. The rectifier is assembled according to the scheme of full-wave rectification on a BO-116 type lamp.
Information from collection of Valery Khartchenko