JuP-11 1947
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Since 1946, the tube radio receiver, the UP-10, has produced the Moscow Radio Plant of the Central House of Pioneers. Since 1946, the Moscow Central House of Pioneers has serially manufactured the UP-10 radio receivers. Radio "UP-11" began to produce from the beginning of 1947, and the radio "UP-12" was in development and planned for release in late 1947. "UP-10" - Yubileyny Pionersky, the 10th variant of the development of a direct amplification radio receiver, assembled on four radio tubes, including a kenotron. The radio has a universal power supply, AC or DC. The model has a fixed tuning for three radio stations operating in the long or medium wave bands. In each of the radio sets of the "UP" series there is an adapter input for playing records from an external electric player.
Information from collection of Valery Khartchenko