Neva-48 1948
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Since 1948, the Leningrad Mechanical Plant Leninets, the Leningrad Kozitsky Plant, the Rybinsk Instrument-Making Plant, and the Leningrad Metal Hardware Plant have produced the Neva-48 network lamp radio receiver. With the release of this receiver a lot of inconsistencies arise. Somewhere it is referred to as "Neva", somewhere as "Neva-48", and somewhere as "Neva-49" (the latter concerns the beginning of the production of the receiver by the Leningrad Metalware Plant from December 1949 ). The radio Neva-48 is the second upgrade of the radio Neva (Marshal M). The difference between the new radio receiver is as follows: Overlap is reduced in the HF subbands. For stretching the scale in series with a capacitor, shortening capacitors are included. Smooth bandwidth control combined with tone control in the low-frequency path has been introduced into the UPCH. The variable coupling between the circuits is carried out by moving one of the coils in each IF filter. A preamplifier is introduced on the 6J7 lamp. The rest is similar to previous models.
Information from collection of Valery Khartchenko