Elektron-219 1975
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The television receiver of the black-and-white image Electron-219 from the first quarter of 1975 was produced by the Lviv Television Factory. Stationary semiconductor TV '' Electron-219 '' - modernization of the TV "Electron-216". The TV uses a block to select one of six pre-configured TV programs in the MV range, linear regulators, electronic voltage stabilizer, automatic adjustment of image sizes, AGC, AFC and horizontal scanning. The size of the image is 481х375 mm. Sensitivity in the MW range of 50 µV. The band of reproduced frequencies is 100 ... 10000 Hz. Nominal sound output power 1.5 watts. Power supply from AC 110, 127, 220 or 237 V. Power consumption 80 watts. TV dimensions are 685x490x395 mm. Weight 37.5 kg. The release of the TV was small.
Information from collection of Valery Khartchenko