Minsk-62 1962
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The stationary transistor radio Minsk-62 since 1962 produced the Minsk Radio Plant. Radio '' Minsk-62 '' is intended for the reception of broadcasting stations in the ranges: DV, SV and VHF. Reception in the ranges DV, SV is made on the internal rotary magnetic or external, and in the VHF range on the internal vibrator or the external antenna. There are jacks for connecting an external pickup. Universal power supply, from a DC source with a voltage of 9 V or from the network. Sensitivity, with a voltage signal / noise ratio of 20 dB; on VHF - 30 µV, DV, CB ranges - 2.5 / 1.5 mV / m, to an external antenna 20 µV. Selectivity on all bands - 26 dB. The frequency response of the entire path to the sound pressure in the ranges: DV, SV with unevenness 14 dB 150 ... 3500 Hz, in the range of VHF 150 ... 7000 Hz. Nonlinear distortion factor of 7%. The average current consumption is 40 mA, and the rest current is 12 mA. Rated output power 150 mW. The receiver is decorated in a case of light wood. The front wall of plastic. Controls are located in front. Rear mounted: battery-mains switch, mains voltage with fuse, phono jacks, external antennas and grounding, external power supply terminals. The internal VHF antenna is made of foil glued to the back wall. Structurally, the receiver consists of a VHF unit, a HF unit, a ULF unit and a rectifier. The assembly of blocks is printed, which increased the reliability and mechanized the assembly process. Dimensions of RP 525x230x220 mm. Weight 8 kg. Price 69 rubles 80 kopecks. The receiver is based on an experienced Ausma receiver.
Information from collection of Valery Khartchenko