Gnomik 1991
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The electronic musical toy "Gnome" since 1991 let out the Penza factory of computing electronic machines. ,8caa42f5a9df53968033bf99609e44f6 "Gnome" is intended for the development in children of preschool and primary school age of musical ear, sense of rhythm, skills in performing simple musical melodies and mastering the basics of musical notation. ,8caa42f5a9df53968033bf99609e44f6 EMR consists of a vibrato generator, an audio frequency generator and a power amplifier. ,8caa42f5a9df53968033bf99609e44f6 The volume control is located on the top panel of the instrument. ,8caa42f5a9df53968033bf99609e44f6 It is powered by EMR from six elements of type A-373 or from an external source with a voltage of 9 volts. ,8caa42f5a9df53968033bf99609e44f6 Key Features: 2 octave keyboard size (24 keys); ,8caa42f5a9df53968033bf99609e44f6 musical range - from the sound "to" the first octave to the sound "s" of the second octave; ,8caa42f5a9df53968033bf99609e44f6 the maximum amplitude of the output signal is 1.8 V; ,8caa42f5a9df53968033bf99609e44f6 operating time from one set of batteries 10 hours; ,8caa42f5a9df53968033bf99609e44f6 EMP dimensions - 330x220x80 mm; ,8caa42f5a9df53968033bf99609e44f6 weight 2 kg. ,8caa42f5a9df53968033bf99609e44f6 ,null,ru,null,null,null,null
Information from collection of Valery Khartchenko