Priboj-114-stereo 1985
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The tuner "Surf-114-stereo" since 1985 produced Taganrog factory "Surf". ,8caa42f5a9df53968033bf99609e44f6 The tuner is designed to receive mono and stereo programs in the VHF band. ,8caa42f5a9df53968033bf99609e44f6 A number of consumer and operational amenities were first introduced in this tuner. ,8caa42f5a9df53968033bf99609e44f6 This is the ability to turn off the BSH system and automatically switch from the "Mono" mode to the "Stereo" mode, adjust the volume when listening to programs on headphones, the light indication of the "Stereo" mode and fine tune. ,8caa42f5a9df53968033bf99609e44f6 Sockets for headphones and tape recorder are recorded on the front panel of the tuner. ,8caa42f5a9df53968033bf99609e44f6 Tuner sensitivity 3 μV. ,8caa42f5a9df53968033bf99609e44f6 The operating frequency range of sound at the linear output is 40 ... 15000 Hz. ,8caa42f5a9df53968033bf99609e44f6 ,null,ru,null,null,null,null
Information from collection of Valery Khartchenko