Television receiver black-and-white image "Tourist" designed and manufactured in the amount of several copies in 1967. An experienced portable transistor TV "Tourist", designed by a group of engineers for mass production, has a small size and weight. The TV is economical, it can be powered from AC power, batteries or even from elements 373. Some components, such as the AGC system, frame scan, design and design of the TV, are solved in a peculiar and new way. The number of controls in the TV is minimized. There is a jack for connecting an additional loudspeaker, headphones. Two TV cassettes are also attached to the TV, one of which contains a mains power supply, and the other can be equipped with batteries or 8 373 cells. in nature, in campaigns and expeditions, etc. The TV operates in the meter wave band. The antenna is telescopic, but it is possible to use an outdoor antenna. Sensitivity to a telescopic antenna 100 µV, to an external 50 µV. The television used kinescope 11LK1B. Image size 82x62 mm; image brightness of 150 nt, horizontal resolution of 350, vertical 400 lines. The speaker used speaker 0,1GD-6. Rated output power 100 mW. The range of reproduced sound frequencies is 250 ... 4000 Hz. The power consumption from the battery is about 4 watts, from the mains 8 watts. When powering the TV from the elements of type 373 TV can operate continuously for 5 hours. The dimensions of the TV without a power supply unit are 220x99x223 mm, with a power supply unit 220x99x244 mm, weight without a power supply unit is 2.6 kg, with a power supply unit that is 3.6 kg.