Raduga 1954
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Since 1954, the Leningrad Kozitsky Plant has been experimentally produced by a black-and-white television receiver Rainbow. In Leningrad for experiments on the introduction of color television from the spring of 1954, an experienced television receiver Rainbow was produced in a small amount. It was an electronic television for receiving a black-and-white image with a mechanical color reception by a synchronous rotation of the electric motor with the transmitting center with light filters of red, blue and green colors combined on a common disk with the electric motor The TV is designed to receive television broadcasts from the Moscow color television experimental station MOSTST, which started working on the third meter channel in 1955. The television was modernized several times. In Moscow, views were organized to demonstrate the capabilities of color television in a specially created studio. In 1956, all these experiments as unpromising, were completed. I do not have data on the modernization of the model, but in the cited article and photos from the journal Sovetsk The Soviet Union No. 6 for 1954, although the TV remained in the same package, it clearly underwent significant changes. Judging by the photos, it was already a TV with a rectangular kinescope and without rotating color filters. Maybe I"™m mistaken and these are only photos retouched by the editors of the magazine. This is how the TV is described in the magazine "Soviet Union": Millions of Soviet people are watching television. Television broadcasting is becoming increasingly widespread in the USSR. Along with the construction of new television centers, work is underway to create new broadcasting television nodes and equipment for the exchange of television programs between cities. In the past, in 1953, new models of TVs went on sale: "Pace", "Avant-garde", "Sever", "Zenith", "Zvezda". A recently released TV brand "Screen". A projection receiver with a screen of 1 square meter is being developed. Created television equipment with a screen of 3x4 m, so that hundreds of viewers can watch the program simultaneously.Soviet designers improve the new models of domestic televisions and transmitting equipment. The sensitivity of receivers increases, a switch to five television channels is introduced in all TVs, the VHF band is added. In 1954, enterprises of the domestic radio-technical industry produced experimental equipment for color television programs. Design engineers N.S.Belyaev, P.I. Korshunov and V.G.Semenov created transmitting and receiving television equipment for color image, as well as a new experimental TV "Rainbow". The first transmission gave good results. Trial shows of performances, concerts and films in color are held regularly now, twice a week. At the same time, engineers are working to ensure the compatibility of color and b / w images. To receive them, a universal device for the combination system is already being constructed.
Information from collection of Valery Khartchenko