Balsas-2 1973
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Since 1973, the portable electric megaphone "Balsas-2" has been produced by the Panevezha Electrotechnical Plant, Lithuania. The "Balsas-2" electro megaphone is designed to enhance speech in a radius of up to 7 ... 10 meters and can be used by guides, coaches, bus drivers. The electro megaphone consists of a microphone, a transistor amplifier, a loudspeaker and a power source housed in a common plastic case. Microphone DAMSH-1A, loudspeaker type 2GD-3. The amplifier and speakers reproduce the frequency band 90 ... 8000 Hz, from a microphone 300 ... 3000 Hz. Nominal output power of the electro-megaphone 1 watt.
Information from collection of Valery Khartchenko