Elektronika 21-10 (Chasy programmator) 1991
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The electronic programmer desktop clock "Electronics 21-10" has been produced since 1991 by the Boryspil plant "Prometey". ,8caa42f5a9df53968033bf99609e44f6 The device shows the currently turned on devices, time and day of the week. ,8caa42f5a9df53968033bf99609e44f6 You can connect to it any three low-power devices that the programmer clock will turn on or off according to the installed programs. ,8caa42f5a9df53968033bf99609e44f6 You can connect up to 3 devices and record up to 16 programs (for a specific day of the week or for every day). ,8caa42f5a9df53968033bf99609e44f6 ,null,ru,null,null,null,null
Information from collection of Valery Khartchenko